JUNE & THE GARDEN IS GROWING!With excellent growing conditions i.e. rain and warmth, the garden ..
2024 Seed list and Organised tours 2024

To see the range of seeds we sell please go to the "Find Out More Pages" and c..
Red squirrels and other wildlife in the garden
The numerous red squirrels at Cluny are very active throughout most of the day but especially when t..

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With excellent growing conditions i.e. rain and warmth, the garden has taken off! It has been an excellent flowering year so far for rhododendrons, Himalayan poppies and the primulas. 

This month we expect the splendid Giant Himalayan Lilies and the Turkscap lilies to put on a great show. The former always amaze people in the height they can achieve and even after flowering, their seed heads are spectacular.

The Cobra lilies or Arisaemas are also an exciting plant to see at this time of year as they rise out of the ground like some sort of Triffid. Scents and smells of various May plants still linger to be taken over by the flowers of Philadelphus and Deutzia.

Along with much bird song, busy squirrels, industrious insects and a sunny day, it is a joy to be in the garden!


2024 Seed list and Organised tours 2024


To see the range of seeds we sell please go to the "Find Out More Pages" and check out a copy of the 2023 seed list. If you would like to order seed from our 2024 list please send your email address to wmattingley@btinternet.com  We sell seed packets at Cluny throughout much of the season. We will stop posting seeds out in late March.


If you have the opportunity of organising a group of eight or more people (up to 20), we will happily provide a guide for free. Organised visits in the evenings can also be arranged. As we have limitations on the size of bus which can access the garden, please contact us. 



Red squirrels and other wildlife in the garden

The numerous red squirrels at Cluny are very active throughout most of the day but especially when they are fed around 0900-0930 with hazelnuts, sunflower seed, fruit and peanuts. Apart from at the feeders, if you go around the garden quietly, taking your time you should see the squirrels foraging on the ground or scampering off up a tree. No 5, at the Big Tree is a good spot to sit and watch them for as long as you want.

Pine martens do visit the garden probably mainly at night although they have been seen during the day as well. Wandering badgers also visit. Stoats are around and you may be lucky enough to see one.

Many woodland bird species are present including 3 types of tits, bullfinch, treecreeper, chaffinch, greenfinch, goldcrest, great spotted woodpecker, nuthatch, blackbird, long-tailed tit, jackdaw, song and mistle thrushes and now much better numbers of house sparrow. Summer migrants have arrived including chiffchaff, blackcap and willow warbler. Tawny owls breed in the garden and the male has been heard hooting during the day most days! Jays frequent the bird feeders and buzzards and ravens are regular overhead. Red kites are also now being seen more frequently. Always a good idea to keep a look out above!